the closet is without a doubt, breathtaking

Limited Edition
So. There are times to go out to a restaurant and then there is going out to a restaurant. Case in point; if your culinary experience takes you on an emotional, spiritual, and visual journey into the depths of your mind and your stomach. attention must be served!A word with so many meanings it probably deserves its own blog but for our purposes it is merely the destination. This sexy little island off the coast of Spain is a journey within itself. Sex. Drugs. Nightlife. Beaches. Sunsets the list goes on except now there will be a new replica louis vuitton bags addition. by Paco Roncero. sounds legit right?
Well it is, because 1:1 replica handbags according to them it the worlds most expensive restaurant. 15 courses of mind blowing epicurious items combined with consistent mind altering sensory fake designer bags stimuli. Alice in Wonderland like, this journey of food takes its guests down the rabbit hole as they get sucked into a world within a world within a world. All starting with an edible ticket.
Let forget that the food is incredible. that a given. Let forget about where it is located. paradise. And let discuss the visual journey. Food is as visual as it gets, that is the point. We look first and try second. This restaurant has elevated that concept. Each food pairing has its own theme combined with visuals and audible arrangements. This is next generation, it is other worldly. It also making me hungry
But why spoil all the fun I can tell you detail for detail what to expect. but in the words of the hostess that greets you at the start : could share the mind blowing details of tonight if we wanted."But no one will believe you,"
There are closets, and then there are Closets. What I will be discussing is very difficult to call a closet considering that it is the size of most middle class homes. That 3,000 square feet for those wondering. But after all, this is a life of extravagance, so feast your eyes. and begin to water.
From the replica louis vuitton handbags entrance high quality designer replica handbags wholesale one can see large glass doors, and a beautiful staircase with many colors in the back. Those colors being handbags. Not even taking into account the beautiful tub in the center of the marble covered bathroom, all eyes are on that staircase, a fairytale behind panes of glass.
A heaven of sights, the first floor is filled with the owners jewellery and accessories, meaning handbags. Of course high quality replica handbags china in a closet like this all the basics are there: Hermes, Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Fendi, Prada, Goyard, and the like. But there is one dominating bag you will see throughout and that is the Birkin. Hermes pride and joy, a bag that is as much a statement as it is a handbag. Starting price: $10,000, and that is only for the bast basic of designs. Exotic skin versions such as Ostrich can command prices upwards of $20,000 aaa replica designer handbags but the grande dame of Birkins is the Crocodile skin which won even look at you for less than $40,000. Also, expect a 3 5 year wait list beforehand. This collection is composed of over 60 Birkin bags, of all leathers. high quality designer replica handbags The value of those bags alone is anywhere from a minimum of $600,000 $1,500,000. That quite a lot of Pellegrinos.
In addition to the handbags the owner keeps her jewellery, and other small accessories here, all impeccably organized. Too many to count: Rolex watches, Patek Phillipes, Hermes Jewellery,and Chanel Haute Joailerie, plus a healthy sprinkling of diamonds, rubies and emeralds are layered upon these shelves.
As one begins to ascend the magical staircase more magnificence feasts the eyes. Large panes of glass line the spiral, showing the beautiful bags below. A nook on the way up features small bags and accessories. Limited edition Logo box Chanel box bags retailing for $10,000 each,there are four, and numerous other baubles lining the shelves.
When one reaches the second level they are immediately thrust into the realm of the cave a term used by the owner for this wardrobe. The second level contains a champagne bar, becuase what woman wouldn want to drink champagne as she is replica designer handbags getting ready for a fabulous night out? My thoughts exactly On the second level replica louis vuitton bags from china there are clothes, rows and rows of clothes. There are also more handbags, and then there are the shoes. Over 75 pairs of $800+ Christian Louboutin heels with a very healthy collection of other designers. This level is for entertaining. In fact the whole three story closet was built with a downward level of organization, and typical order for dressing up. The top most level contains outerwear and other basics, the second level is for clothing and shoes, and the first level is for the final touches: accessories and handbags. This closet was designed to be used, and without a doubt it looks like it has been.
replica louis vuitton bags An overall theme seen in this closet is organization. The owner likes things in a particular place, and the effect works. The closet is without a doubt, breathtaking. A personal makeup station, A collection of exotic skin Hermes Belt kits, and countless, countless racks of clothes lines the walls.

The best news? It available! Yes, this closet: 3,000sq ft and 3 levels of wonder, beauty, and space, a personal haven for any and every woman man. is for sale. Unfortunately it comes connected to a house, fortunately this house is incredible. Located in Woodlands, Texas, apparently the old saying is true: everything is bigger. The home is over 17,000 sq ft, with 9 bedrooms, 10 bathrooms with 25 ft floor to ceiling glass walls. Modern and minimal throughout, aside from the closet I would have to say my favorite part of this house is the incredible master bath shower below. Stone walls, enough space to fit a United Nations meeting and a sensual living tropical scene to enjoy while washing off the remnants of what was probably an incredible night before. This home, with all the amenities mentioned, and the closet is available for the small sum of $12,900,000 though I think almost any woman into fashion can justify the price just by the closet. And she has a great story too. Her name is cheap replica handbags Theresa Roemer, born poor she is in the true sense of the word: an entrepreneur. Working countless jobs she started a successful brand of luxury fitness centers, sold the company, made millions and now has ventured into chocolates, candles, fashion, and house flipping. She is a hard worker and very charitable. She states that one of the reasons the closet was built was to hold charity functions which it does, and raises large sums of money doing so, though I think there were alternative reasons (such as having an amazing closet!). 


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